9:00 am: Rock Steady Boxing - In-Person

Throughout the year APDA-NW offers several sessions of the 6-week Powerful Tools for Caregivers series.
Powerful Tools is a six week educational series designed to provide you, the caregiver, with tools needed to take care of yourself while caring for a loved one. Classes consist of interactive sessions; discussions and brainstorming to help you take the “tools” you choose and put them into action in your life. Class participants are given the Caregiver Helpbook to accompany the class and the class follows a structured curriculum.
Space is Limited
(Meet 1/week for 6 wks)
Virtual Mondays 6:15pm-8:00pm PT
Feb 13 – March 20 (3 spots open)
Virtual Fridays 1-2:45pm PT
Feb 17 – March 24 (4 spots open)
To learn more & register. email: apdanw@apdaparkinson.org or call 206-595-4478