
Put Your Purple On!
On Saturday, May 15th, 2021, The Flathead Valley Parkinson's Support Group will Safely Walk for Parkinson's!
Location: Creston Firehall located at the Intersection of Hwy 35 and Riverside Road in Creston.
Everyone is welcome to participate or come and be part of the cheering section. Snacks, water and door prizes will be part of the festivities.
Many of us walk for family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers and many walk on their own because they live with Parkinson's.
Register on site the day of the walk.
QUESTIONS: Contact Lynn Woods @ 406-420-2321 or lynwoods@gmail.com -OR- Marjory McClaren @ 406-250-5577 or marjmccl@yahoo.com
JOIN US, put your purple on! Walk for Parkinson's!
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