Summit for Parkinson’s 2024 Autumn Conference


September 27, 2024 at 8:30 AM – September 28, 2024 at 12:00 PM MDT

Red Lion Hotel, Kalispell, 20 N Main St, Kalispell, MT 59901

The 2024 Annual Summit for Parkinson’s is coming up September 27 and September 28 in Kalispell! We are fortunate to have such a comprehensive education event to take place in our own backyard!

The conference will be shared live online, and recorded, for those who are not able to attend in person. We will be joined by nationally-recognized professionals and Montana providers and specialists in the areas of mental health, movement, music, and general knowledge specific to Parkinson’s disease and health management. Throughout the conference, we will explore powerful tools for those dealing with the impacts of the disease.

As always, registration is FREE but you do need to register to attend.

Register Here:


Friday, September 27 

  • 8:00–8:45 — Registration
  • 8:45–9:00 — Welcoming remarks with Dr. Andrew Laue, LCSW
  • 9:00–10:30 — Featured Speaker – Dr. John Herndon, MD, Oregon Sciences University, Movement Disorder Specialist
  • 10:30–10:45 — Break
  • 10:4–Noon — Tips and Tricks, Annie Cox, Occupational Therapist, MonTech
  • Noon–1:00 — Lunchbox social
  • 1:00–1:30 — Movement and Balance, Lynnell Gravelle, PT, Certified LSVT BIG, Rock Steady coach
  • 1:30–1:45 — Break
  • 1:45–3:15 — Mental health workshop with Dr. Andrew Laue
  • 3:15 — Closing

Saturday, September 28

  • 8:00–8:45 — Registration
  • 8:45–9:00 — Welcoming remarks Dr. Andrew Laue, LCSW
  • 9:00–9:45 — Featured Speaker: Sara Linn, Davis Phinney Foundation, Community Leadership Programs Manager
  • 9:45–10:00 — Break
  • 10:00–11:00 — Orff music therapy with Mika Inoe
  • 11:00–11:15 — Break
  • 11:15–11:45 — Rock Steady, Lynnell Gravelle, PT, Certified LSVT BIG, Rock Steady coach
  • 11:45–12:00 — Closing with Dr. Andrew Laue


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