9:00 am: Rock Steady Boxing - In-Person

DaTscan™ (Ioflupane I-123), which has been FDA-approved since 2011, has been a critical tool for doctors and researchers to help diagnose Parkinson’s. This year we have entered a new biological era with the discovery of a biomarker, a test that uses spinal fluid, that can detect Parkinson’s at the cellular level. And researchers are also working on a tool to visualize clumps of alpha-synuclein protein in the living brain. You might be asking yourself how these tools work together, and how are they different? How do clinicians and researchers apply them in the field? Tune in to our webinar and hear from experts on how these tools are pushing science forward.
The panel will answer questions from the audience that are submitted in advance and also through the Q&A box during the webinar.
Once you register, you will receive an email from “Michael J. Fox Foundation Webinar” with a link to watch the webinar. You will receive this email automatically upon registering, two days before and two hours before the live event.
Click link to register.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
1 hr
12:00 pm ET