Flathead Valley Parkinson's Support Group Meeting -Health and Nutrition

Flathead Valley Parkinson's Support Group Meeting -Health and Nutrition

Jennifer Gryniewicz is a certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Natural Nutrition Specialist, Parkinson's Disease Specialist and Cancer Exercise Specialist. She has been working in the Health and Wellness Industry for 14 years.

She started her career in Health and Wellness at the Greater Seattle YMCA where she trained clients one-on-one, led group fitness classes for all fitness levels, and facilitated Chronic Disease Programs for Weight Loss, Diabetes Prevention, Parkinson’s Disease and Cancer Survivors. After eight years working for The YMCA, she decided to form her own business, Time For You Fitness LLC, where she now provides a holistic, customized health and wellness coaching experience for her clients.

Jennifer works with clients one-on-one, teaches Parkinson’s Fitness Classes through The Parkinson’s Fitness Project and facilitates a Parkinson’s Support Group through the APDA.

When Jennifer is not coaching clients, she is prioritizing her own health and happiness by spending time outdoors, spending time with family, and growing her personal faith.  She looks forward to spending some time getting to know YOU and supporting YOU on your health and wellness journey.

We're no longer providing refreshments due to expenses. Please feel free to bring a dessert or snack to share!

When:  May 15th, from 1:30 to 3 p.m.

Where: Hampton Inn, Spring Creek Conference Room, 1140 Hwy 2 W, Kalispell

(park in back for easiest access)

Can’t be there in person? Attend the meeting on Zoom. Please email flatheadvalleyparkinsons@gmail.com for an updated link.

We hope you can join us!


Note: We're no longer providing refreshments due to expenses. Please feel free to bring a dessert or snack to share!

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