Annual Picnic Updates!

Categories : WEBINARS

*****  Don’t forget our summer picnic on Wednesday, July 17, from noon to 3 p.m. in the Visitor Center Community Room at Lone Pine State Park just southwest of Kalispell. We will serve up a delicious BBQ lunch, set up games (start practicing your Corn Hole skills for 2024 bragging rights), and offer up amazing door prizes and a silent auction. Be thinking about what you might donate to the auction, as this is our group’s main fund-raiser for the year. All contributions are appreciated – hand-made or purchased, small or large, items or activities. Text or email Kathy at  or  520-306-0664. Capacity in the Community Room is 75, so please RSVP Linda before July 3 at  303-472-9840. Attached is this year’s flyer for you to print out and post.

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