Flathead Valley Parkinson's Support Group "WALK FOR PARKINSON'S, MAY 20TH, 2023"

Flathead Valley Parkinson's Support Group "WALK FOR PARKINSON'S, MAY 20TH, 2023"

On May 20th, lace up your walking shoes and come take a Walk for Parkinson's in one of the most pristine and idyllic locations in the valley. Creston Firehall is the meeting location for this walk which takes place from 11am to 1pm. The course heads south on Riverside Road and you can walk any distance you want. Or, if you would rather not walk, please join us anyway for a snack and some excellent company. Refreshments, door prizes, tee shirts, and great camaraderie are what you will find at this special event. We will also be selling specially designed flip flops as a fundraiser for Michael J. Fox and our support group. There is no charge for the walk but donations are gladly accepted and can be mailed to Flathead Valley Parkinson's Support  Group, 241 E Nicklaus Ave., Kalispell, MT 59901.

A huge thank you to Lora Anderson, daughter of members Duane and Nancy Morast, for designing and printing some beautiful tee shirts for the Walk. The cost is $15 for adult shirts and $10 for youth shirts. In order to be guaranteed a shirt, email marjmccl@yahoo.com with your order (how many & what size) no later than May 6th. You can either mail your payment with your shirt order to Marjory McClaren, 90 Konley Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901 or pay at the walk when you pick up your shirt. Please contact Marjory with questions or if you would like to volunteer to help with the walk.



Creston Firehall
4498 Hwy 35
Kalispell, MT 59901

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