Support Group Meeting - Dr. Gilbert from ADPA

Support Group Meeting - Dr. Gilbert from ADPA

The May support group meeting which would normally be on Wednesday (5/17) has been moved to Friday (5/19) to be held in conjunction with our Walk for Parkinson's 2023 which will be the following day, Saturday, May 20th from 11am to 1pm. Jen Gillick, Program Director for American Parkinson's Disease Foundation will be joining us in person and has invited APDA's Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Rebecca Gilbert on hand for a discussion/question & answer session regarding all things Parkinson's. This will be a chance for you to ask anything you want related to Parkinson's.
Originally, Dr. Nate Coomer, founder of  The Parkinson's Fitness Project ( scheduled to speak at this meeting, however due to an emergency, he has had to cancel. 
Join us as we kick off our "Walk Weekend" with some useful tips on living with Parkinson's.


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